Thursday, August 17, 2017


May 1, 2017 

It was Transfer WEEK!

On Tuesday, I said goodbye to Elder Lopez and Hello to Elder Rust!!
Elder Rust has been out a little bit longer than I have. He's from Cleveland, Ohio. He's a great teacher and is pretty organized with a ward directory. I'm excited to start working through more less active and part members families with him!

We found a little girl named Mia Herrera this week. She's a 9 year old girl that is the only one in her family that hasn't been baptized yet, but she REALLY wants to be. We met with her and her mom and set a date for May 28th. We told her she HAS to come to church if she wants to be baptized on that date. Unfortunately, she didn't come to church on Sunday. We are going to need to work with her dad more and help him become more active so he could eventually baptize her!!

We also had a cool miracle find during the week. On Friday, we were going to try to pop in on the family of 6 we found the other day and saw most of them playing outside in their apartment yard area with some other kids. Naturally, I went and started playing with the kids.

Another one of the kids parents that lived in the complex was trying to set up a pool. Previously, Elder Lopez and I tried to contact and start working with this family, but they seemed a little flaky and not all that interested. While i was playing with the little kids though, Elder Rust got to talking to them and we ended up going inside their home and shared the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them! It was a really powerful lesson! We are going back to teach the parents more on Tuesday!

I love you all!!
Elder Richardson

P.S.- tomorrow is my birthday!! I turn 20! Woohoo! I will finally be able to do all the things a 20 year old gets to do...which 20.


Elder Rust and I

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